Suding, K.N., C.G. Collins, L.M. Hallett, L. Larios, L.M. Brigham, J. Dudney, E.C. Farrer, J. Larson, N. Shackelford, M.J. Spasojevic. The ecology of change: Guiding biodiversity intervention in changing environments. Ecology. accepted.
Rolleman, E., T. Lantz, D. Mathews, N. Shackelford. Common camas (Camassia quamash) response across an urban-rural gradient in coastal oak meadows in Greater Victoria, Canada. Urban Ecosystems, 1-16.
Thomson, H., N. Shackelford, M. Gilbert, Travis Gerwing. 2024. Germination response of the freshwater invasive Iris pseudacorus to brackish and marine salinity as well as implications for coastal invasion. Wetlands, 44(4):36.
Lane, S., N. Shackelford, G.E. Bradfield, M. Denoth, T.G. Martin. 2024. Plant community compositional stability over 40 years in a Fraser River Estuary tidal freshwater marsh. Wetlands, 44(3): 1-13.
McQueen, J.P., K. Gattoni, E.M.S. Gendron, A.J. Solon, C.P. Bueno de Mesquita, R.A. Hufft, N. Shackelford, K.N. Suding, S.K. Schmidt, D.L. Porazinska. 2024. Glyphosate-based restoration of a degraded grassland threatens soil health and the diversity of nematode communities. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 109350.
Rolleman, E., T. Lantz, D. Mathews, N. Shackelford. Common camas (Camassia quamash) response across an urban-rural gradient in coastal oak meadows in Greater Victoria, Canada. Urban Ecosystems, 1-16.
Thomson, H., N. Shackelford, M. Gilbert, Travis Gerwing. 2024. Germination response of the freshwater invasive Iris pseudacorus to brackish and marine salinity as well as implications for coastal invasion. Wetlands, 44(4):36.
Lane, S., N. Shackelford, G.E. Bradfield, M. Denoth, T.G. Martin. 2024. Plant community compositional stability over 40 years in a Fraser River Estuary tidal freshwater marsh. Wetlands, 44(3): 1-13.
McQueen, J.P., K. Gattoni, E.M.S. Gendron, A.J. Solon, C.P. Bueno de Mesquita, R.A. Hufft, N. Shackelford, K.N. Suding, S.K. Schmidt, D.L. Porazinska. 2024. Glyphosate-based restoration of a degraded grassland threatens soil health and the diversity of nematode communities. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 109350.
Bertuol-Garcia, D., E. Ladouceur, L. Brudvig, D. Laughlin, S. Munson, M. Curran, K. Davies, L. Svejcar, N. Shackelford. 2023. Testing the hierarchy of predictability in grassland restoration across a gradient of environmental severity. Ecological Applications.
Shackelford, N., C. McDougall. 2023. Ecosystem restoration, regeneration and rewilding. BMC Ecology and Evolution, 23(1): 52.
Hallett, L.M., L. Aoyama, G. Barabás, B. Gilbert, L. Larios, N. Shackelford, C.M. Werner, O. Godoy, E.R. Ladouceur, J.E. Lucero, C.P. Weiss-Lehman, J.M. Chase, C. Chu, W.S. Harpole, M.M. Mayfield, A.M. Faist, L.G. Shoemaker. 2023. Restoration ecology through the lens of coexistence theory. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 38(11): 1085-1096.
Alamenciak, T.D. Pomezanski, N. Shackelford, S.D. Murphy, S.J. Cooke, L. Rochefort, S. Voicescu, E.S. Higgs. 2023. Ecological Restoration Knowledge in Canada: Who, What, Where, When, Why and How? FACETS, 8: 1-11.
Merritt, W., J. Currie, C. Sothe, C. Beatty, N. Shackelford, K. Hirsh-Pearson, A. Gonsamo, J. Snider. 2023. Prioritizing ecological restoration of converted lands in Canada by spatially integrating organic carbon storage and biodiversity benefits. Conservation Science and Practice, 5(6): e12924.
Bueno de Mesquita C.P., A.J. Solon, A. Barfield, C.F. Mastrangelo, A.J. Tubman, K. Vincent, P. Sommers, D.L. Porazinska, R.A. Hufft, N. Shackelford, K.N. Suding, S.K. Schmidt. 2023. Adverse impacts of Roundup on soil bacteria, soil chemistry and mycorrhizal fungi during restoration of a Colorado grassland. Applied Soil Ecology. 185, 104778.
Voicescu, S.A., J.F. Lane, S.J. Cooke, E.S. Higgs, A. Fisher, L. Rochefort, N. Shackelford, S.D. Murphy. 2023. Awareness and Use of SER’s International Principles and Standards for the Practice of Ecological Restoration in Canada. Restoration Ecology.
Shackelford, N., C. McDougall. 2023. Ecosystem restoration, regeneration and rewilding. BMC Ecology and Evolution, 23(1): 52.
Hallett, L.M., L. Aoyama, G. Barabás, B. Gilbert, L. Larios, N. Shackelford, C.M. Werner, O. Godoy, E.R. Ladouceur, J.E. Lucero, C.P. Weiss-Lehman, J.M. Chase, C. Chu, W.S. Harpole, M.M. Mayfield, A.M. Faist, L.G. Shoemaker. 2023. Restoration ecology through the lens of coexistence theory. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 38(11): 1085-1096.
Alamenciak, T.D. Pomezanski, N. Shackelford, S.D. Murphy, S.J. Cooke, L. Rochefort, S. Voicescu, E.S. Higgs. 2023. Ecological Restoration Knowledge in Canada: Who, What, Where, When, Why and How? FACETS, 8: 1-11.
Merritt, W., J. Currie, C. Sothe, C. Beatty, N. Shackelford, K. Hirsh-Pearson, A. Gonsamo, J. Snider. 2023. Prioritizing ecological restoration of converted lands in Canada by spatially integrating organic carbon storage and biodiversity benefits. Conservation Science and Practice, 5(6): e12924.
Bueno de Mesquita C.P., A.J. Solon, A. Barfield, C.F. Mastrangelo, A.J. Tubman, K. Vincent, P. Sommers, D.L. Porazinska, R.A. Hufft, N. Shackelford, K.N. Suding, S.K. Schmidt. 2023. Adverse impacts of Roundup on soil bacteria, soil chemistry and mycorrhizal fungi during restoration of a Colorado grassland. Applied Soil Ecology. 185, 104778.
Voicescu, S.A., J.F. Lane, S.J. Cooke, E.S. Higgs, A. Fisher, L. Rochefort, N. Shackelford, S.D. Murphy. 2023. Awareness and Use of SER’s International Principles and Standards for the Practice of Ecological Restoration in Canada. Restoration Ecology.
Wickham, S.B., S. Augustine, A. Forney, D.L. Mathews, N. Shackelford, J. Walkus, A.J. Trant. 2022. Incorporating place-based values into ecological restoration. Ecology & Society: 27(3):32.
Dudney, J., C. D’Antonio, R.J. Hobbs, N. Shackelford, R.J. Standish, K.L. Suding. 2022. Capacity for change: three core attributes of adaptive capacity that bolster restoration efficacy. Restoration Ecology. e13647.
Aoyama, L.,…N. Shackelford,…L. Hallett. 2022. Application of modern coexistence theory to rare plant restoration provides early indication of restoration trajectories. Ecological Applications. e2649.
Heger, T., J.M. Jeschke, C. Febria, J. Kollmann, S.M. Murphy, L. Rochefort, N. Shackelford, V.M. Temperton, E.L. Higgs. 2022. Mapping and assessing the knowledge base of ecological restoration. Restoration Ecology. e13676.
Dornelles, A.Z., … N. Shackelford, … T.H. Oliver. 2022. Transformation archetypes in global food systems. Sustainability Science: 1-14.
Ladouceur, E., N. Shackelford, et al. 2022. Knowledge sharing for shared success in the Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 3(1). e12117.
Dudney, J., C. D’Antonio, R.J. Hobbs, N. Shackelford, R.J. Standish, K.L. Suding. 2022. Capacity for change: three core attributes of adaptive capacity that bolster restoration efficacy. Restoration Ecology. e13647.
Aoyama, L.,…N. Shackelford,…L. Hallett. 2022. Application of modern coexistence theory to rare plant restoration provides early indication of restoration trajectories. Ecological Applications. e2649.
Heger, T., J.M. Jeschke, C. Febria, J. Kollmann, S.M. Murphy, L. Rochefort, N. Shackelford, V.M. Temperton, E.L. Higgs. 2022. Mapping and assessing the knowledge base of ecological restoration. Restoration Ecology. e13676.
Dornelles, A.Z., … N. Shackelford, … T.H. Oliver. 2022. Transformation archetypes in global food systems. Sustainability Science: 1-14.
Ladouceur, E., N. Shackelford, et al. 2022. Knowledge sharing for shared success in the Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 3(1). e12117.
Shackelford, N., J. Dudney, M. Stueber, V.M. Temperton, K.L. Suding. 2021. Measuring at all scales: Sourcing data for restoration references. Restoration Ecology. e13541.
Shackelford, N., G. B. Paterno, et al. 2021. Drivers of seedling establishment success in dryland restoration efforts. Nature Ecology and Evolution 5(9), 1283-1290.
Ladouceur, E., N. Shackelford. 2021. The power of data synthesis to shape the future of the restoration community and capacity. Restoration Ecology, 29(1). e13251.
Shackelford, N., G. B. Paterno, et al. 2021. Drivers of seedling establishment success in dryland restoration efforts. Nature Ecology and Evolution 5(9), 1283-1290.
Ladouceur, E., N. Shackelford. 2021. The power of data synthesis to shape the future of the restoration community and capacity. Restoration Ecology, 29(1). e13251.
Dornelles, A.Z., … N. Shackelford, … T.H. Oliver. 2020. Towards a bridging concept for undesirable resilience in social-ecological systems. Global Sustainability, 3: e20.
Valentine, L.E., N. Shackelford, et al. 2020. Richard J. Hobbs: How one ecologist has influenced the way we think about restoration ecology. Restoration Ecology, 28(5), 1042-1046.
Popescu, V.D., R.G. Munshaw, N. Shackelford, et. al. 2020. Quantifying biodiversity trade-offs in the face of widespread renewable and unconventional energy development. Scientific Reports, 10.1: 1-12.
Wickham, S.B., N. Shackelford, et. al. 2020. Seaweed wrack accumulation on islands: Factors that mediate marine nutrient permeability. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 635 (2020): 37-54.
Valentine, L.E., N. Shackelford, et al. 2020. Richard J. Hobbs: How one ecologist has influenced the way we think about restoration ecology. Restoration Ecology, 28(5), 1042-1046.
Popescu, V.D., R.G. Munshaw, N. Shackelford, et. al. 2020. Quantifying biodiversity trade-offs in the face of widespread renewable and unconventional energy development. Scientific Reports, 10.1: 1-12.
Wickham, S.B., N. Shackelford, et. al. 2020. Seaweed wrack accumulation on islands: Factors that mediate marine nutrient permeability. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 635 (2020): 37-54.
Pre-2020 (the PI is asking herself if she's getting old...)
Shackelford, N., et. al. 2019. Ten years of pulling: Ecosystem recovery after long-term weed management in Garry oak savanna. Conservation Science and Practice, 1(10), e92.
Fisher, J.A., N. Shackelford, et. al. 2019. Indigenous peoples’ habitation history drives present-day forest biodiversity in British Columbia’s coastal temperate rainforest. People and Nature, 1.1: 103-114.
Shackelford, N., et. al. 2018. Threats to biodiversity from cumulative human impacts in one of North America's last wildlife frontiers. Conservation Biology, 32.3: 672 – 684.
Shackelford, N., et. al. 2018. The role of landscape connectivity in resistance, resilience, and recovery of multi-trophic microarthropod communities. Ecology, 99.5: 1164 – 1172.
Shackelford, N., B. Miller, T.E. Erickson. 2018. Restoration of open-cut mining in semi-arid systems: A synthesis of long-term monitoring data and implications for management. Land Degradation & Development, 29.4: 994 – 1004.
Shackelford, N., et. al. 2016. Connectivity predicts compositional change after discrete disturbances in a global meta-analysis. Ecography, 40.11: 1256 – 1266.
Erickson, T.E., N. Shackelford, et. al. 2016. Overcoming physiological dormancy in seeds of Triodia (Poaceae) to improve restoration in the arid zone. Restoration Ecology.
Shackelford, N., et. al. 2015. Biodiversity change in heathland and its relationships with shifting local fire regimes and native species expansion. Journal of Plant Ecology, 8.1: 17-29.
Merritt, D. J., … N. Shackelford, et. al. 2014. A continental-scale study of seed lifespan in experimental storage examining seed, plant, and environmental traits associated with longevity. Biodiversity and Conservation, 23.5: 1081-1104.
Renton, M., N. Shackelford, R.J. Standish. 2014. How will climate variability interact with long-term climate change to affect the persistence of plant species in fragmented landscapes?. Environmental Conservation, 41.2: 110-121.
Shackelford, N., M. Renton, M. Perring, R. Hobbs. 2013. Modeling disturbance-based control of native invasive species and its implications for management. Ecological Applications, 23.6: 1331-1344.
Shackelford, N., et. al. 2013. Primed for change: Developing ecological restoration for the 21st Century. Restoration Ecology, 21.3: 297-304.
Shackelford, N., R. Hobbs, N. Heller, L. Hallett, T. Seastedt. 2013. Finding a middle-ground: The native/non-native debate. Biological Conservation, 158: 55-62.
Renton, M., S. Childs, R. Standish, N. Shackelford. 2012. Plant migration and persistence under climate change in fragmented landscapes: Does it depend on the key point of vulnerability within the lifecycle?. Ecological Modelling, 249: 50-58.
Renton, M., N. Shackelford, R. Standish. 2012. Habitat restoration will help some functional plant types persist under climate change in fragmented landscapes. Global Change Biology, 18: 2057-2070.
Fisher, J.A., N. Shackelford, et. al. 2019. Indigenous peoples’ habitation history drives present-day forest biodiversity in British Columbia’s coastal temperate rainforest. People and Nature, 1.1: 103-114.
Shackelford, N., et. al. 2018. Threats to biodiversity from cumulative human impacts in one of North America's last wildlife frontiers. Conservation Biology, 32.3: 672 – 684.
Shackelford, N., et. al. 2018. The role of landscape connectivity in resistance, resilience, and recovery of multi-trophic microarthropod communities. Ecology, 99.5: 1164 – 1172.
Shackelford, N., B. Miller, T.E. Erickson. 2018. Restoration of open-cut mining in semi-arid systems: A synthesis of long-term monitoring data and implications for management. Land Degradation & Development, 29.4: 994 – 1004.
Shackelford, N., et. al. 2016. Connectivity predicts compositional change after discrete disturbances in a global meta-analysis. Ecography, 40.11: 1256 – 1266.
Erickson, T.E., N. Shackelford, et. al. 2016. Overcoming physiological dormancy in seeds of Triodia (Poaceae) to improve restoration in the arid zone. Restoration Ecology.
Shackelford, N., et. al. 2015. Biodiversity change in heathland and its relationships with shifting local fire regimes and native species expansion. Journal of Plant Ecology, 8.1: 17-29.
Merritt, D. J., … N. Shackelford, et. al. 2014. A continental-scale study of seed lifespan in experimental storage examining seed, plant, and environmental traits associated with longevity. Biodiversity and Conservation, 23.5: 1081-1104.
Renton, M., N. Shackelford, R.J. Standish. 2014. How will climate variability interact with long-term climate change to affect the persistence of plant species in fragmented landscapes?. Environmental Conservation, 41.2: 110-121.
Shackelford, N., M. Renton, M. Perring, R. Hobbs. 2013. Modeling disturbance-based control of native invasive species and its implications for management. Ecological Applications, 23.6: 1331-1344.
Shackelford, N., et. al. 2013. Primed for change: Developing ecological restoration for the 21st Century. Restoration Ecology, 21.3: 297-304.
Shackelford, N., R. Hobbs, N. Heller, L. Hallett, T. Seastedt. 2013. Finding a middle-ground: The native/non-native debate. Biological Conservation, 158: 55-62.
Renton, M., S. Childs, R. Standish, N. Shackelford. 2012. Plant migration and persistence under climate change in fragmented landscapes: Does it depend on the key point of vulnerability within the lifecycle?. Ecological Modelling, 249: 50-58.
Renton, M., N. Shackelford, R. Standish. 2012. Habitat restoration will help some functional plant types persist under climate change in fragmented landscapes. Global Change Biology, 18: 2057-2070.