Knowledge about restoration methods, motivations, and outcomes is dispersed and found in many different forms. Sometimes, decades of knowledge is stored with an individual as memories and experiences. Sometimes, restoration knowledge is stored in management documents, reports, or even news articles. Sometimes, it appears in the scientific literature.
Organizing and accessing each type of knowledge is an art, and can be both time consuming and difficult. We are striving to bring some of that knowledge together in an engaging way, and will slowly be adding what we call 'restoration stories' to this page. These will be creative, sometimes playful ways of synthesizing restoration types. Each story will always have some form of accessible, raw information behind it - be it compiled data from interviews, management documents that we will curate and store publicly, or spatial and monitoring data available through our lab database.
Organizing and accessing each type of knowledge is an art, and can be both time consuming and difficult. We are striving to bring some of that knowledge together in an engaging way, and will slowly be adding what we call 'restoration stories' to this page. These will be creative, sometimes playful ways of synthesizing restoration types. Each story will always have some form of accessible, raw information behind it - be it compiled data from interviews, management documents that we will curate and store publicly, or spatial and monitoring data available through our lab database.
Salmon Habitat Restoration Post-LoggingAn active review of the literature developed by restoration practitioners to restore salmon habitat degraded by forestry practices.
Access the ESRI Storyboard HERE